contact us

Revive Dental at Westwood is located at 3216 Portage Ave, next door to Westwood Optical and across from Superstore & Assiniboine Credit Union. We are currently accepting new patients and are looking forward to meeting you and your smile.

3216 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3K 2C9, Canada

(204) 837-4517

What Our Patients Say About Us
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Dr. Shah is wonderful, he did an amazing job on my veneers! I finally have a smile that I love, for the first time in my life. The staff here are always so friendly and accommodating, and ever since I started coming here, I actually find myself looking forward to dental appointments! I highly recommend Westwood Dental



Where To Find Revive Dental At Westwood 

3216 Portage Ave

Winnipeg, MB

R3K 0Y8

(204) 837-4517

Revive Dental Winnipeg

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our office by phone. Our scheduling coordinator will confirm your appointment.